Steering Group – Terms of Reference


An informal, international group to support promote and provide direction to the initiative.


ISO 20400 standard for sustainable procurement was finalised in December 2016 and published in April 2017. The PC277 committee that developed the standard has been disbanded but it was agreed at the final meeting to develop a web based initiative to promote the standard and share learning globally. Action Sustainability Community Interest Company, a UK based social enterprise (the Delivery Partner), has sponsored this initiative and developed the website

Purpose of the steering group

  • To provide advice and guidance to the Delivery Partner on the development and operation of the website and other knowledge sharing initiatives as appropriate
  • To uphold the “not for profit” values of the project
  • To provide direction on the type of content to be shared
  • To build a vision for wider knowledge sharing related to the standard


Anybody with a legitimate interest in ISO 20400 can apply to join the Steering Group. The aim is to build a diverse community of practice from all parts of the world and representing the different type of stakeholders with an interest in the standard. The aim is to try to fill the matrix Annex 1.

Given the diverse nature of the group and the issues with time zones it is not anticipated that all members of the group will attend all virtual meetings. It is therefore anticipated that there could be 20-30 members of the group eventually, operating in a network.

Care should be taken to ensure there are not too many members from one group in Annex 1. The Steering Group is expected to be self-governing in this respect.

Authority and liability

Currently the initiative is funded and delivered by Action Sustainability CIC Ltd. The Delivery Partner accepts all risk and liability with respect to this project. The role of the Steering Group is therefore advisory. However, it should be noted that without the support of stakeholders this project has no viability.

Over time, additional donors will be sought to co-fund the project. In this event a Funding Committee will be established. The Terms of Reference of this group will depend on the conditions of funding but it is anticipated that this will be a decision making group.


The group will meet quarterly by teleconference or other virtual means. Between meeting it is anticipated that the group will operate as a network with members providing advice depending on their areas of expertise.


Brief minutes will be issued summarising salient points and actions.

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