Net-Zero Assessment Tool (NZAT)

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The Net-Zero Assessment Tool is a generic, SME-friendly self-assessment tool that meets all the above criteria. It is comprehensive and is based on questions asked by other questionnaires that assess a company’s commitment to net-zero targets.

For internal management purposes, an organization may want to know how it is doing on its migration to a business model that will position it to thrive in a decarbonized economy. The organization may also need to be ready for questions from customers, bankers, investors, and other stakeholders about its greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories, its reduction efforts, and its commitment to science-based, net-zero GHG targets.

The Ne-Zero Assessment Tool (NZAT) meets the following criteria:

*Generic / Comparable … any organization, any sector, any size, anywhere

* Comprehensive… based on typical questions asked by other questionnaires that assess a company’s commitment to net-zero targets

* Scorable… produces a score out of 100%; used to determine points earned

* SME-friendly… few questions; multiple-choice; few quantifications required

* Educational… checklist of how to improve score; helpful explanations; suggests actions to take to reduce GHGs

* Bonuses… credit for helping reduce others’ / global GHGs

* Verifiable… clear, specific, and objective

* Accessible … free, user friendly, open-source, tailorable

Contributed by Bob Willard
Net-Zero Assessment Tool (NZAT)