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ISO 20400 认证的事实 Kindly translated into Chinese by Dannie Yung

ISO 20400 认证的事实 Kindly translated into Chinese by Dannie Yung

本说明的目的是帮助买家就与 ISO 20400 认证相关的服务做出”知情”的决定。我们的关键信息
是; ISO 20400 是指导性的標準。它不是並不能作為获得符合性的合格证书,因此请不要向您的
指导性標準特征 Guidance standard features
根据 ISO 政策,只有当 ISO 要求标准包含並清晰和可审计的方式编写的特

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UK built environment workforce diversity 2023

UK built environment workforce diversity 2023

Supply Chain Sustainability School has published the largest-ever employee diversity survey in the United Kingdom. This comprehensive survey offers a detailed record of diversity data and pinpointing areas for improvement..

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COP 28 “On the road to hell” by Jonathon Porritt

COP 28 “On the road to hell” by Jonathon Porritt

CoP 28 limped to its predictably calamitous conclusion on December 13th.
The heavily spun headline (“historic breakthrough”) quickly dribbled away into the sands of Dubai, to
be replaced by more “balanced” commentaries from governments, businesses and some mainstream
NGOs. Three weeks on, even that laboured balancing act now looks either totally naïve or deeply

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Shaun McCarthy on Sustainable Procurement in 2024

Shaun McCarthy on Sustainable Procurement in 2024

2023 was a pivotal year for the sustainable procurement agenda. As we emerged from Covid
and into terrible wars in Ukraine and Gaza, the fragility of our supply chains and the volatility
of prices were cruelly exposed. Furthermore, much of the world has now accepted that
climate change must be addressed urgently if the human race wishes to continue into future

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आईएसओ 20400 प्रमाणन – तथ     Kindly translated into Hindi by Mellita D’silva

आईएसओ 20400 प्रमाणन – तथ Kindly translated into Hindi by Mellita D’silva

इस नोट का उद्देश्य खरीदारोों को ISO 20400 से
सोंबोंधित प्रमाणन सेवाओों के बारे मेंसूधित धनणणय लेनेमें
मदद करना है। हमारा मुख्य सोंदेश है; ISO 20400
मार्णदशणन के धलए है। यह अनुरूपता प्रमाणपत्र के
अिीन नही ों हो सकता है, इसधलए कृ पया अपने
आपूधतणकताणओों सेइसके धलए न पूछें

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