Bio of Thomas Thomas
Thomas played an integral role in the set-up of ASEAN Corporate Social Responsibility Network (ACN) in 2010 and as CEO, continues to provide oversight and strategic direction for the organisation. ACN was established to promote and enable responsible business conduct in ASEAN Member States.
ACN is the responsible and inclusive business champion with the ASEAN Business Advisory Council. They developed a Code for Responsible and Inclusive Business and is building up the ASEAN Responsible and Inclusive Business Alliance (ARAIBA) to be the region’s network of businesses supporting responsible business conduct. Thomas is driving this initiative.
Thomas has extensive experience in CSR and responsible business conduct, serving on various initiatives in the region and globally, including the Steering Committee of the Global Business Network on Forced Labour and in the development of the ISO26000, International Social Responsibility Guidance Standard. He serves on the UN Economic and Social Council for Asia Pacific (ESCAP)’s Business Advisory Council, an initiative to consult the private sector and other relevant stakeholders on business related policy issues of importance to Asia and the Pacific.
Thomas was the lead writer of the baseline study on CSR and human rights in ASEAN for the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) in 2014.
Prior to ACN, he was the founding Executive Director of the Singapore Compact for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), the national CSR society in Singapore, now operating as the Global Compact Network Singapore. He was the co-chair of the National Tripartite Initiative for CSR, formed in 2004 and initiated the formation of Singapore Compact for CSR. He was the Singapore focal point for UN Global Compact.
Thomas had been active with trade unions, co-operatives, the consumer movement and social enterprises and also served as a Nominated Member of Parliament in Singapore.
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