Jumpstart Your Journey as an ECOpreneur. By Sam Marcum

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The world of business doesn’t seem so eco-friendly, but new entrepreneurs who put the environment first can change that. From linking up with organizations like ISO20400.org to sourcing materials from ethical suppliers, there are plenty of ways that entrepreneurs can go the extra mile to become ECOpreneurs.

The world of business doesn’t seem so eco-friendly, but new entrepreneurs who put the environment first can change that. From linking up with organizations like ISO20400.org to sourcing materials from ethical suppliers, there are plenty of ways that entrepreneurs can go the extra mile to become ECOpreneurs. If you’re intrigued by the idea of ecopreneurship, you can peruse these resources for helpful advice!

The Blueprint for Your Business

You need to cover the basics of business ownership before you officially start down the path of ecopreneurship.

Write up your business plan and establish your business with the government.
Look into grants that can help provide funding for your startup.
If you find that you need to hire employees, work with a staffing agency to help you recruit the ideal candidates.

Keep Sustainability Front and Center

When it comes to business operations, you can forge a new, sustainable path built on your environmentalist values.

Could you run your business off of renewable energy? It’s a topic worth researching!
Choose transparent suppliers for your equipment and materials to establish an ethical supply chain.
Get creative when it comes to reducing waste, and regularly conduct “waste audits” to see where your business can improve.

Be a Positive Influence

You want everyone in your community to hear your eco-friendly message, and these resources will help you gain a larger platform.

Want to teach your customers helpful life skills that will allow them to shrink their carbon footprints? Try hosting workshops!
You can establish a business partnership with a local environmental group to contribute to sustainability projects.
Get all hands on deck to make your community a better place with a neighborhood cleanup.
Earning more press coverage for your business will grant you wider audiences to share your message with.

Owning a business that does not deviate from your deeply held principles is very satisfying. Ecopreneurship provides an avenue to career success and personal fulfillment. With the strategies from these guides, you’ll be well-prepared to open your business.

ISO20400.org – https://www.iso20400.org/
Your business plan – https://www.simplybusiness.co.uk/knowledge/articles/2021/03/how-to-start-a-business/
Provide funding – https://smallbusiness.co.uk/small-business-grants-uk-2548113/
Staffing agency – https://www.upwork.com/staffing
Researching – https://www.renewableenergymagazine.com/emily-folk/10-ways-renewable-energy-can-save-businesses-20190208
Ethical supply chain – https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/business-reporter/ethical-supply-chain/
Get creative – https://www.slough.gov.uk/downloads/file/9/a-business-guide-to-reduce-waste
Hosting – https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/PlanningAWorkshop.htm                                      Environmental group – https://friendsoftheearth.uk/take-action/join-group-near-you
Better place – https://www.stasherbag.com/blogs/stasher-life/how-to-organize-neighborhood-cleanup
Earning – https://linchpinseo.com/how-to-get-press-and-media-coverage/

Contributed by Sam Marcum
Jumpstart Your Journey as an ECOpreneur.  By Sam Marcum