Carta abierta de la Comunidad de Práctica de ISO 20400 Contributed by Adriana Rosenfeld
A medida que la norma ISO 20400 se acerca a su quinto aniversario en abril de 2022, los Organismos Nacionales de Normalización que componen la confederación ISO tendrán la oportunidad de votar si Retirar, Revisar/Enmendar o Confirmar la norma ISO 20400. Esta carta fundamenta la alternativa Confirmar.
Cristina Lopez in English
Cristina tells us why she joined the ISO 20400 committee and what she has been doing to promote the standard in her country, Argentina, since it was launched.
Adriana Rosenfeld in English
Adriana tells us why she joined the ISO 20400 committee and what she has been doing to promote the standard in her country since it was launched.
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Como Ser Un Proveeder Responsables
El Sentido de la norma internacional ISO 20400 compras sostenibles para las pymes
San Miguel starts to address Sustainable Procurement
Under ISO 20400 International Standard, the leading company in citrus production and exports in the Sothern Hemisphere has started to…